Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Memories of Yeah~ @ 5:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 30, 2006
Memories of Yeah~ @ 2:21 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Mrs. Right - Her Personality
- Your ideal match is unusually ambitious, personable and has a great sense of humor. Chances are she cares a lot about how she appears to others, and is bursting with self-confidence. People admire her for her achievements, determination, and drive.
- You're perceptive, kind and analytical. You don't like to think of things on just a surface level, and you can be unusually introspective. You can be a little self-critical at times, but you're a thoughtful, gentle spirit.

Memories of Yeah~ @ 8:46 PM 0 comments
After haunted house went to play the other rides liao. Got the spinning cups kinda thing, then superman, pirateship wah this 1 power when moving backwards still ok but going down wahhhh lol played this twice haha. Theres the small kids roller coaster too this 1 FUN haha cos the corner it goes so fast sia everytime it turns we get swing to the side lol too bad the ride is too short... Then theres the Go kart and the boat thingy where u get wet din play this 2 though. By the time we left its around 11 liao haha. When to mac to get a drink and chat abit too bad din get to try their mocha milkshake zzz.Also its raining inside the mac sia haha think maybe some pipe burst or something at a particular area the ceiling leaking alot of water down sia like raining lol. Soon after we walked to the interchange, luckily my friend still got bus to go home haha.

Memories of Yeah~ @ 12:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 27, 2006

Hmm maybe next time have dumpling steamboat. Making alot of different flavour dumpling, tat may taste better hehe
Memories of Yeah~ @ 9:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Memories of Yeah~ @ 7:24 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A new anime tats released lately seems really close to 流星花园. Its called Yamato Nadesico Shichihenge (i have no idea wat tat means lol) about 4 handsome guys and 1 weird gal haha. When i 1st went to read the review and saw the pic i thought it was a GAY anime sia!!! PS: those 4 in the roses are guys, the 1 at the back holding a scythe is the gal....
But its a really funny anime so far only 3 episode came out but every episode got me laughing soo much hahahaha.

Memories of Yeah~ @ 12:18 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 21, 2006

Watched Death Note at The Cathay today, well.... okok show lor. But cos i had read the comic so i feel like not as nice as the comic. When the show ended it was only until around 1/4 of the comic series only... at tat speed think will have 4 parts sia hahaha.
Though some parts are quite different from the comic, like his gf din die nor was she kidnapped and the "kidnapper" din kill herself at the museum too lol. Well maybe cannot make 100% like comics ba. But 1 thing a few of us dun understand is why "Light" take out his pen when his gf was held hostage hmmmm. Was thinking he will use it as a dart and throw at the kidnapper hahaha. YYYYYYYY......
Memories of Yeah~ @ 11:59 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 20, 2006
Memories of Yeah~ @ 8:32 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 18, 2006

From latest issue of 8 Days seems tat ESCAPE is having some Halloween event hmmm no idea wats it about but seems interesting from 27Oct to 29Oct 7pm - 12pm Admission fee of $10 feel like going leh hmmmmm
Memories of Yeah~ @ 9:42 PM 0 comments
Memories of Yeah~ @ 12:47 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Oh yeah finally cleaned up my messy sofa-bed though i use it only when playing xbox as sofa haha. Really trigger happy lately like to use my Handphone camera to fool around haha
Before After

Memories of Yeah~ @ 9:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 16, 2006
Memories of Yeah~ @ 3:29 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 14, 2006

Juz a group photo after the dinner BUT wheres the couple haha
Also on my way to the restaurant saw a poly friend, initially she like totally cant remember me sia haha. She din changed much though, and shes married too!!!. Hmm ppl i know are getting married .....
Memories of Yeah~ @ 8:00 PM 0 comments
Meeting some financial advisor on tues after school. She called me the other day say my friend gave her my no., a person called Antorny but i dun remember got any friends call antorny leh weird. Though its not an important thing to find out who but im soooo curious lor.
I think curiousity is a normal human characteristic and as a perfectly normal human (maybe abit chubby =P) im very curious... WHO R U!!! lol
Memories of Yeah~ @ 8:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 13, 2006
A scene at the end of the show edit abit with photoshop to cover-up the blurry screenshot taken from realplayer haha. Though i think like tat quite nice =D
Memories of Yeah~ @ 8:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Caught U Me and Dupree today at Tamp Century Sq' Shaw. Think this cinema getting old liao ba watch half-way suddenly went mute liao.... 2nd time i encountered this liao, 1st time dunno watch wat show haha. Though i like their seats very spacious, got lots of leg space lol. Well as for the show its suppose to be a comedy and for funny parts okok only la, otherwise i dun think its very nice.
Hmm thinking of catching Stay Alive, a few of my friends said tat its nice. BUT to find who to watch with hmMmmMMm. Got a voodoo doll hand-phone thingy lol forgot wats the name for it hmm looks nice lor as long as it dun start running around on its own while im sleeping =P wahaha
Yesterday dreamt again haha dreaming alot and remembering them this few times lol. Dreamt that i somehow found some hair dye at home then started to dye my hair again. When done parts of my hair turn BLUE sia~!!!! like got highlight like tat haha, when look at mirror tio shocked sia. Then for some reason later 1 of my aunts appeared and said y i used her dye she wanna use for her hair 1. Next thing i woke up hmmm, but y blue.......
Well today quite happening, got dreams and did quite a few things. Hmm lessons again tomolo well now go watch last episode of Full House hehe cya
Memories of Yeah~ @ 8:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Another weird dream yesterday, dreamt that i was using my phone going around taking lots and lots of pictures of ppl here n there. I was like hoping around soo happy sia haha(make me sounds like im crazy....). Then after taking lots of photo(somehow the phone's battery din run out lol) i had a argument with some guy and we started to FIGHT~!!(Ding Ding Ding Round 1!!!). Only remember i slammed him on the floor then wake up liao.... The stoopid SUN lor shine until backside liao make me feel so warm until wake up hahahaha. Maybe the fighting part is he not happy im taking photos?? hmmm but i think the slam part is becos b4 sleeping was watching a funny show where they had some slamming lol.
Memories of Yeah~ @ 8:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Hmm received a mail from on one of those Test thingy from Tickle, The Colors Of Love Test. Thou, the person that started this mail link the survey along with his account.... So its done under his account name lol.... Well theres some interesting points from the result thou.
- you'll usually do what you can to keep the people around you happy. Wealth, status, fame — these things are nice — but for you the real reward seems to come from being a good person. <== hmmm abit ba... at least i dun see myself becoming a evil/bad person lol
- you may be one who develops crushes easily. However, finding your soul mate is likely a more elusive reward. <== So to the person who always say i dun find a gal, its just so elusive sia hahaha =X
- when you're not in love, you'll most likely spend time daydreaming about future romance. <== haha true true =P, so if u see me very attentive and not moving during lectures IM DAYDREAMING hahaha
- you likely prefer a "friends first" approach to dating, rather than jumping in with both feet. <== got me here too, though isnt this normal? Or else like my friend said "go up to sum1 u just know and say wanna go steady annot?" like tat meh?.......
Memories of Yeah~ @ 8:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Early in the morning and im writing here haha, no lessons today. So far 1st week of lessons still ~ok, accept that 1 of the lecturer has a strong accent sometimes cant get wats he saying ....ZzZ. Nothing much interesting happen, well the most interesting thing tat happen was on Sat or Sun forgot lol. A Genie almost came out from my living room's TV hahaha, actually i meant the TV emitted smoke ...=.='' looks like when the magic lamp is rub HahA. Lucky din caught fire hahaha there was so much smoke sia, but somehow still can watch hmmmm.... Still a new TV was bought, dun really hope to see the genie again though hoho.
Haiz printer spoiled liao gotta go buy a new 1 maybe going simlim this weekend, if can jio ppl along. For now gotta find some place to print some of my notes 1 hmmm, maybe go my neighbour place to print hehe. ;P