Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Currently still din get to catch SpiderMan3 yet haha keep getting postponed cause some guys not free zzz n somemore only a group of 4 including me haha also so hard to get together for a movie zzzz.
Went for a haircut today, not very good think still abit too long but aiya nvm la. Think after exams can go cut again. Speaking of exams wah kaoz think around 2 more weeks sia zzz 6 & 8th of June....so fast exams again n this term the modules hard sia zzzz. Went White Sands to walk abit since was kinda raining heavily, wah more n more shops liao hehe good good, gonna open a KFC too wah finally sia...
After the haircut n on my way home, suddenly remember wat i dreamt about last night.. Initially wanted to remember cant remember then juz daydreaming then remember liao... Was kinda a crappy dream sia, I was at dunno where then there was this gal i cant remember who hmm. This is the main point~!!, tried very hard but still cant remember hahaha sianz but i confirm is some1 that i know hmmm. As for the story its too crappy to say here hahaha, if ur curious then ask me lor hohoho.
Oh and theres this memory that has been bothering me zzz. This memory is bout a friend of mine that i remember seeing her work at this place, but then she say she din. Lately i noticed that she knows another friend of mine which was around when i saw her. But in my memory he din seems to know her hmm. So im getting confused was that memory a dream i had long ago or was it real? hmm sooo confusing ahhhh......