Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Lately been watching a few movies haha theres Shrek 3 and yesterday watched Ocean 13 was not bad for both. Then theres Fantastic 4 and theres Transformer next The girl who lept through time seems interesting too and Hot fuzz seems really funny from a trailer i saw, and theres a show i wanna watch but will get chance mah hmm...

Results should be out this week well see how ba hope can pass.. Din seems to have done much this term break lol, gonna move my things in my room around this 2 days see if it will be a better arrangment annot hopefully yes. Maybe try some fengshui? haha jking jking..
Theres somethings i feel like talking bout but dunno who to talk to hahazz. Am i too ke qi? or juz not socialble enough haha maybe i juz need to talk more ;p