Strange ritual....Dream]
I have no idea where the location was in the dream juz some remote location. The natives there were feeding ants i think lol. They would uncover a pile of sand or was it the ant's nest hmm anyway they uncover it and places a pile of rotten apples on it and cover it back. When we went back again soon later the pile was flatten and the native explains that the ants will eat all the apples and cause the pile to become flatten. Then i notice that below the pile of sand is a tombstone and so is under every other pile of sand. I ask that won't it affect the dead and they say something weird about beneath it is plated with silver the ants cant get in lol. Thats around it or at least wat i can remember.
So wats up with ants, tombstone and apples lol. Another dream i dun understand and hold to relations to wat i've been doing lately hmmm.
Shy, but friendly hehe i dun bite XD
Jokes around when i know u well
Studying now
Watch anime for leisure
Play game for friends with friends and to pass time until something better to do comes lol
Wishes are hopes, Actions achieves hopes.
I wish to dare do the actions....